Wednesday, 16 December 2015

CHRISTMAS IS COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, folks, we all know christmas is coming up!! My tree has gone up, there are fake snowflakes in the window, tinsel all around the house - woohoo! I have also been SUPER organized and got one present done ALREADY. yaaaaayy! I'm going to put in a christmas manga here (I promise I will draw one myself - eventually - maybe - but probably not)

And now for christmas wishes!!
I don't have that many, but these things do pile up in the run up to christmas. so here goes!!
1. that I get more viewers and followers
2. that i had a longer christmas list.

and so, without further ado, here are my christmas minecraft creations!!

here i have made a christmas tree!! go treeeeesss!!!!!!!!!

And now I will go, so I can think up other rubbish. See ya!!!!


  1. Hi Squeakle,
    You're SO good at drawing manga! I'm horrible at it... Your drawing is AMAZING!
    Rose :3

    1. its not mine -- I got it off the internet. The one of the dark angel is by me though!!
